
By Bill Sisson, Executive Director, North America at the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)

Published: 30 Sep 2021
Author: Bill Sisson
Type: Insight

2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 is WBCSD’s framework for business action in line with the urgency of the challenges that we face as global societies. 与我们的40个成员一起开发, it offers companies comprehensive and ambitious guidance on how they can lead the transformations needed to bring about a world in which 9+ billion people can live well, 在地球范围内, by 2050. The 生活空间通道 ——建筑环境——是九种转型途径之一 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了.

生活空间是人们居住、工作和休闲的地方. 生活空间对人的身心健康起着重要的作用, 他们的人际关系和工作质量.

Vision 2050’s Living Spaces transformation pathway considers the needs of both urban and rural communities, 正规博彩十大网站公共和私营部门为提供适足住房所作的努力, workplaces, 以及休闲和社区参与的空间. Our vision is for “健康包容的生活空间,与自然和谐共生.“该正规博彩十大网站进一步探讨了2050年如何满足生活空间的社会需求, 需要企业工作来创造的:

  1. 促进健康和幸福的生活空间.
  2. 负担得起的住房和适合所有人的社区.
  3. 一个具有弹性、适应性和可再生的净零碳建筑环境.
  4. 利用可回收和可再生材料的潜力的生活空间.

实现我们的正规博彩十大网站, we must at least halve the emissions from the built environment sector by 2030; achievable through focus and collaboration by all involved. 正在取得进展,但目前, 我们的建筑和生活空间继续加剧气候危机, 自然损失和不平等. 仅建筑行业就是如此 responsible 占全球能源相关温室气体排放量的近40%, 超过40%的全球资源使用和40%的全球废物流. At the same time, 全世界有近10亿人住在贫民窟和临时住所, 渴望找到安全和负担得起的住所. By 2050, 全球建筑面积预计将翻一番, 每年新增面积超过50亿平方米, 在快速城市化和不断增长的空间需求的推动下.

Living spaces are critical to our wellbeing – something that has become much more apparent during  the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, 根据美国环境保护署, 在美国,人们平均有90%的时间呆在室内. The transformation of the built environment toward healthier living spaces began before the pandemic, 而且还在加速发展. An April 2021 global survey 主要的房地产所有者和投资者, 由联合国环境规划署金融倡议主办, found that 92% of respondents expect the demand for healthy buildings to grow over the next three years. This demand for healthier living spaces is leading to transformation in commercial and residential buildings. 它还可以帮助推动可持续实践.

我们建造房屋、选择材料、加热和冷却房屋的方式都会影响我们的生活 个人健康和环境. At the city level, well-planned, green areas, like parks, 操场和室内绿化, 如何将空气污染带来的健康风险降至最低, 促进体育活动, 缓解压力,减少噪音和过热, 同时减缓气候变化. There are now an increasing number of businesses supporting the design and construction of our living spaces in healthy and sustainable ways. For example, Gensler, 全球设计公司和WBCSD的新成员, 休斯顿高级研究中心生活实验室的背后, 德州的第一座商业建筑, US, 获得零能耗认证. 其他WBCSD成员也是 实施可持续建筑环境解决方案 from affordable and sustainable material for housing to energy-positive buildings and innovative and inclusive mass transit solutions.

Business can signal market demand for living spaces that simultaneously address the climate crisis, 不平等与自然丧失. 到2030年必须看到进展, 八年多一点的时间, 但仍有重大挑战需要克服. 例如,建筑项目目前没有计算和报告其全部碳足迹. If all companies started measuring emissions across the whole life cycle of their real estate assets, 以及增加数据共享, 协作和透明度, we would be able to set clear targets and drive the carbon emissions reduction needed in the next decade. 但这些削减确实需要加速,从今天开始.

WBCSD’s 改造建成环境 project brings together leading companies to overcome value chain fragmentation and establish pathways for fully decarbonized, 圆形和基于自然的生活空间. 我们的会员包括材料制造商, design firms, 建筑公司, 房地产开发商, 投资者及最终用户. We share knowledge and develop guidance and tools of global relevance to support action and strengthen the business case. 我们还提倡采取行动和政策,支持市场向净零排放转型, 圆形和基于自然的建筑环境.

生活空间路径可以帮助城市规划中的广泛参与者, architecture, construction, material production, maintenance, real estate, retail, 酒店及休闲产业, 了解他们如何以及在哪里可以在驱动所需的转换中发挥作用. It lays out a comprehensive series of transitions that we consider critical to the achievement of our vision for Living Spaces: building and infrastructure design will have to shift to focus on users’ health and increasingly integrate and respect biodiversity; at the same time, cities and buildings will need to pave the way toward a net-zero carbon and climate-resilient world; we must implement ever more circular living spaces that minimize consumption and waste and ensure that our cities and rural areas are made to work for all, 创造包容性的经济适用房, safe, and secure neighborhoods; finally, business has to ensure that respect for human rights is embedded across the construction and materials sectors globally.

以及这些全面的转变, the pathway proposes 10 prioritized action areas for business to focus on over the course of the next decade to accelerate the pace and scale of change. 这些行动领域涵盖创新产品, services, 技术和商业模式, 以及公司可以帮助创造正确的有利条件的方式. They are not exhaustive but cover the most urgent and important priorities in the crucial decade ahead. 《正规博彩十大网站排名》订明的“生活空间指引”的十个商业行动范畴如下:

  1. Implement short-, medium- and long-term science-based targets to reduce the whole life carbon footprint of built structures toward net-zero emissions. 与客户协作, suppliers and all actors across the built environment to ensure targets are met and to drive net-zero construction and renovation measures.
  2. 协助制定国家和部门脱碳路线图, 并与当地政府接触, national, 并在地方层面进行倡导, targets, 建筑规范及规划, 可持续建筑环境所需的许可和采购流程.
  3. Unlock the potential of digitalization to facilitate data recording and transfer among stakeholders and across life cycle stages to promote more holistic urban planning, 提高建筑环境行业的透明度和效率.
  4. Create ways for occupants to play a role in minimizing the environmental impacts of their living and working spaces.
  5. Develop circular business models to maintain the value of materials and resources throughout the lifetime of built structures. 创新,使循环选择更具成本竞争力,方便和可靠.
  6. 面向未来的建筑和基础设施要经得起环境的考验, 城市规划带来的社会和健康冲击, 性能标准和施工规范.
  7. 制定和采用基于科学的自然目标, 从材料提取到施工再到建筑最终用途的影响因素是什么. 将基于自然的解决方案整合到设计和施工中.
  8. Innovate and collaborate on new techniques and models to ensure the delivery of quality affordable housing that promotes health and wellbeing, 在现有的和新的发展.
  9. Conduct and enhance due diligence in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights with a view to respecting human rights and ensuring decent working conditions throughout the construction value chain, 包括在非正规经济中.
  10. Develop comprehensive strategies to support a just transition for workers that may be affected by emerging construction methods, 材料与技术.

这些行动都与实现正规博彩十大网站排名目标相一致, 将正规博彩十大网站排名目标的抱负和目标转化为明确可行的业务活动领域.

加入我们的共同正规博彩十大网站,推动在上述优先行动领域的合作, so that, together, 我们可以让世界有宾至如归的感觉.



Introduction:展望2050主任朱利安·希尔-兰多特介绍 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 Insight系列,并提供了将涵盖的主题的正规博彩十大网站.

Living Well菲利普·维格里奥,人事部总经理 & Society, takes a deeper look at what it means to “live well” – a world in which everyone’s dignity and rights are respected, basic needs are met, 人人都有平等的机会. 

生活在地球边界内Diane Holdorf, the Food的总经理 & 自然项目,以及气候项目的总经理Claire O 'Neill & 能源计划,深入了解“生活在地球边界内”意味着什么. 

我们可以为所有人提供健康饮食Diane Holdorf, the Food的总经理 & 自然节目,探索2050年正规博彩十大网站的食物路径.

我们可以把人们联系起来: Constant van Aerschot, WBCSD亚太区主任, 与富士通的Mel Melis就Vision 2050的互联互通路径进行了对话.

我们可以保持水的流动WBCSD印度主任Joe Phelan正规博彩十大网站了我们的水 & 卫生途径及其对印度重要性的反思.

我们可以继续前进,更聪明; Wei Dong Zhou, Director WBCSD China, 采访WBCSD交通总监Thomas Deloison,畅谈正规博彩十大网站2050的交通运输 & Mobility pathway.  

我们可以制造更智能的东西; 会员关系和循环经济董事总经理Federico Merlo深入探讨了产品 & 材料路径和WBCSD在这个空间的工作

下一位:罗德尼·欧文, WBCSD首席运营官, 将提供更深入的展望2050的金融产品 & Services pathway.

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